Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) recruitment Private Secretary (www.uidai.gov.in)

The Authority would like to fill up the following posts on deputation/retired employees(incase no suitable candidate is found eligible,the post will be filled from retired employees) in Regional Office located at Chqndigarh as per the following requirements.

Name of  the post and pay band  with Grade Pay : Private Secretary 

No of  post vacant :-  03
Eligibility Criteria :- 
i) Holding analogous post in the same scale of pay  
ii) having 5 yrs experience in the scale of Rs.9300-34800+4200/- G.P

Desirable Qualifications/Experience  : Good stenographic and typing skills,proficiency in handling computers.

Last date of receipt of applications complete in all respects :
15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the 'Employment News'

Official website :- http://www.uidai.gov.in

Official Notification 

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