Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) recruitment duputy director (www.uidai.gov.in)

The authority would like to fill up one post of deputy Director on deputation basis in Regional Office located at Chandigarth as per the following requirement.

Advt.No 23/2015

Name of the post : Deputy Director
Pay Band with Grade pay : (Rs.15600-39100+6600)
No of post : One

The last date for receipt of application will be 30 days from the date o publication of the advertisement in the employment news .For eligibility criteria desirable qualification ,Experience & application from etc.please log on to our website www.uidai.gov.in

 Official Website :-  www.uidai.gov.in

 Address :-
Assistant Director General(Admin)
Unique identification Authority of India
Govt of India,Regional Office,SCO 139-141,
3rd And 4th Floor ,Sector-17 C ,Chandigarth-160017
Tel:- 0172-2771213

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